Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day Five: The Edge of the Pool

This is Day 5 of the October Memoir and Backstory Blog Challenge, which is something about a 5 year old.  To catch more on this, please visit  Jane Ann McLachlan.
She crawled out of the pool, breathless.

It was a party of some kind, many people swimming about.  Kids here, grown-ups there.  Lots of bright colors to match the bright day, screaming, running, bustle of a party.  Kids jumping in, Whoosh!  Splashing!  She knew how to swim, she did.  Her Mommy was laying in the sun, on a green chair that was criss-crossed, weaved in and out.  It wasn't build too good, because she noticed that her Mommy's body went through the holes in the chair. Sunken in, pooches sticking out here and there.  It wasn't a good chair at all.

She was just in the pool.  She wanted to get out.  She was tired, the kids were too loud, the sun was too hot, and she had just enough.  She was a big girl now, five years old.  So she decided to do it.

She took a huge breath.  She was going to swim across the pool, bright blue water swaying to and fro.  It wasn't too far away.  One big breath, WhooSh!  Whooooooooo!   Huuuupppppp!  Go!  Her lungs were filled.

First her hands, then her body went under the water.  She kicked and kicked.  For five years old, it wasn't too far away, that Edge of the Pool.   Maybe 5 more kicks.  At first, it was just a feeling that she was running out of breath.

She thought she could do it.  It wasn't far.  But something was happening.  She was definitely running out of breath.  She must go up for air.  She went up.  Something went Bump!  It was blurry, light blue like the color of the water.  It was big.  It was floating.  She could not push her head up to get to the air. She was stuck under a big blue floating thing.  Something was up there.  It was in her way.

Somewhere up there, she could hear the clinking of wine glasses and the chuckles of a lady who was sitting on the blue floating thing.  In a flash, she knew the lady would never hear her, would never see her, would never feel her.

Her lungs were about to burst.  She was alone.  She closed her eyes.

She decided that her only chance was to go back down.  She could not struggle under the big floating blue thing.  So she kicked a last few kicks and went down, down, down,  under the big blue floating thing with the lady and the clanging and the chuckles.  She went under it and she wasn't sure now which way she should go. Was it left?  or right?

Things were going gray now.   She went straight, because she thought that was where the wall was.  She kicked and she kicked and she kicked and stretched her hands out, her little hands that loved to play with her kittens.  She stretched them out as far as far far far as they could go Bump!

It was the wall.  She crept her hands up the wall, and in s-l-o-w  m-o-t-i-o-n, her head, then her ears, then her nose surfaced over the water and into the AIR AIR AIR  I-N-H-A-L-E raspy, deep, big, huge, ginormous b-r-e-a-t-h.

She looked around.  No one noticed.

She never told any one.  She thought she would get in trouble.
But she never swam under a floaty thing again.  Never.
And when she grew up and had her own babies, she never let them put floaties in the pool.

She crawled out of the pool, breathless.

No one even noticed.

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