And then I realized that God only makes us to be that which we can be. We are not the same as God. Of course we are much ‘below’ Our Maker, and we differ in the very fiber of our beings and in our ways. He is a Master Creator, a real being of pure love.
So if He knows what is going to happen to us, and He tells us to not worry about it, we learn that everything happens for a reason. Maybe that reason will not jump out and identify itself before us. Maybe we will only reflect on life much later on, well afterwards. Maybe it is a test. Like a Test of the Emergency Broadcast System. To see what we really do. To see how we really are. How we act. Our deeds. Does our nature put God in our lives only when we need Him? Do we ask Him for things but never come to Him in thanks and praise?
If we have a relationship with God and His Son Jesus, then that infinite love is going to work. The light always wins over the darkness. If you flip on the light, the darkness goes away. It’s a rule of physics, the way of the world. Like gravity. It should be like gravity to us.
So instead of wondering how bad my life is, I’m just going to trust in God. That’s all I know how to do.
And if He throws little signs my way, I’ll take them! So here’s my wish for you. I wish that we all prayed like little children, so pure and innocent. I wish that God shows Himself in our lives. And I thank Him for His Goodness and His Mercy. In the mouth of a whale, Jonah cried out to God. Jonah did not ask for help. He did not ask for mercy. All He did was Praise God and Praise God and Praise God.
How much more, with Jesus on our side, do we need to know? God does not change. He is always the same. If He did it once, He will do it again.
Today, I asked for a miracle. Tens of people summoned and tens of people responded. I’ll wait for it to happen. In God’s time, it will happen. In the meantime, I will be diligent to His Word, to Our Maker, and to Our Lord. This is my biggest goal in life. To watch miracles happen. To let them unfold. For me and for you. And for our children.
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